
Class dues support a variety of activities including our class webinar series, regional events, off-year Reunions, Alumni Day, mailings, website management, and more. Dues are $50 a year. You can pay by Zelle, check, or credit card (online). Find instructions below.


Online Payment History


DatePayment HistoryAmount
 No history or history not available 

Note - you will only see your payment history if you are logged in. Payments by check or Zelle are not reflected here.


NEW Pay by Zelle (Preferred Method)

Paying by Zelle is fast, easy, and avoids the processing fees the Class pays on credit card charges. It is also safer than mailing a check and less expensive for you (no postage). If you're not familiar with Zelle, it is offered free by over 2000 banks so you probably already have access. You will find Zelle in the Payments section of your bank's website or mobile app.

Once in the Zelle app, add Princeton '73 as a payee using mpollack@alumni.princeton.edu as the email address. The confirming screen will verify that you have found the account for "Princeton Univ Class of 1973". Please give it a try. Dues are still $50.


Pay by Check


Mail a $50 check to our Class Treasurer:

Marv Pollack

432 W Grant Place
Apt 3E

Chicago, IL 60614-9317


Make check payable to:
Princeton Class of 1973


Dues payments are tax-deductible. The Class is a qualified 501(c)(3).

Pay by Credit Card

To pay online with a credit card, check the box below and then click the Submit button. If you login first, your stored information will be displayed so you won't have to re-enter it.

Class Dues


Class Notes

After paying your dues, please update your classmates on developments in your life.  Email your news to our Class Secretary, Lisa Dorota Tebbe at elizabeth.tebbe@yahoo.com.